
Showing posts from January 21, 2018

How Neo Liberal Labour broke the NHS – and why Socialist Labour must fix it

If we really want to save our NHS then the only person and party to do that are Corbyn and a Socialist Labour Party. Neo-Liberals like Blairites and Tories have torn our NHS apart now its time for Corbyn to fix it, the Only problem with that is .. we need to vote him into power.  The choice is your's Corbyn and a fully funded NHS or neo-Liberals and a Privatised NHS. Successive attempts by Labour and the Tories to update the service have done more bad than good. When Tony Blair came to power in 1997 the service was struggling, particularly in terms of elective (non-urgent) care. Like all GPs, I often saw my patients having to wait up to 18 months for routine operations. In 2015 The New Statesmen wrote that New Labour’s initial diagnosis was of inadequate resources: public spending on health as the party returned to power was roughly 5 percent of GDP, substantially lower than in every other developed nation. Blair’s stated ambition was to br...

Why isn't Labour 20 points ahead in the polls?

Whilst the media, Blairites and Tories will have you believe that Labour should be 20 points ahead when you look at it properly it's more realistic that they aren't. The Neo-Liberal Blairites and Journalists are off again accusing Labour (Well Corbyn) of just being "populist" whilst preaching that they could do better. (They lost us two elections by massive landslides) but when you look at the other parties there is a completely good reason Labour aren't ahead in the polls massively.  UKIP polls results are dropping massively which is evidence UKIP voters are going back to the Tory Party which is boosting the Conservatives polls and Labour are still fighting SNP in Scotland although Labour was 3rd in the Scottish polls they have moved back to second and they keep rising week by week. Also, let's not forget that Theresa May run a far-right general election campaign and keeps feeding the far right with her Anti Immigration propagan...

Tories block delays and VITAL Anti Corruption reforms

Last night, faced with hostile amendments in the House of Lords to its post-Brexit anti-money laundering Bill, the UK government continued to block and delay vital reforms to tackle the UK’s role in global corruption and money laundering. DELAYING GETTING DIRTY CASH OUT OF THE PROPERTY MARKET Global Witness reports that one amendment, tabled by Lords from all the major political parties, would have required the government to reveal the true owners of UK properties owned by foreign companies. This transparency would be a vital step to stop UK property being used as a safe haven for dirty and corrupt cash. The government first stated its intention to reveal the true owners of UK properties way back in 2015, stating that a register would be up and running this year. Yet the laws have not passed, and the owners of these properties still benefit from this offshore corporate secrecy. The amendment would simply have forced the government to fulfil its promise within a year. ...

Hypocrite Progress Blairite says we should be fighting Tories not each other

WATCH: Diehard Blairite Richard Angell demonstrates his hypocrisy and deceit by complaining about deselections and says Labour should be fighting the Tories  WATCH: Diehard Blairite Richard Angell demonstrates his hypocrisy and deceit by complaining about deselections and says Labour should be fighting the Tories April 1st has come early — Scott Nelson (@SocialistVoice) January 20, 2018