Why isn't Labour 20 points ahead in the polls?
Whilst the media, Blairites and Tories will have you believe that Labour should be 20 points ahead when you look at it properly it's more realistic that they aren't.
The Neo-Liberal Blairites and Journalists are off again accusing Labour (Well Corbyn) of just being "populist" whilst preaching that they could do better. (They lost us two elections by massive landslides) but when you look at the other parties there is a completely good reason Labour aren't ahead in the polls massively.
UKIP polls results are dropping massively which is evidence UKIP voters are going back to the Tory Party which is boosting the Conservatives polls and Labour are still fighting SNP in Scotland although Labour was 3rd in the Scottish polls they have moved back to second and they keep rising week by week.
Also, let's not forget that Theresa May run a far-right general election campaign and keeps feeding the far right with her Anti Immigration propaganda which is also helping them massively in the polls.
Its also well known she has the backing of UKIP, Britain First, EDL (English Defence League) and BNP voters, They have been very vocal about it.
BNP voters are actually bragging about having a far-right PM which they never thought they would see in their lifetimes. They are proud of her "Anti Immigration laws and the fact she visits an anti-LGBT church".
"Its about time this country grew some balls and kicked the Ni****s out", one BNP voter said.
They also bragged and joked about left-wing activists who were murdered like Jo Cox and Heather Heyer.
One member in a vile WhatsApp conversation also ridiculed disabled people on benefits calling them "scrounging scouser c***s" but then admitted later on in the conversation that he was on JSA himself.
They also laughed and spoke about Theresa Mays "Go home Vans" by saying we need more of them parked outside the P***I bastards front door.
Labour can't be complacent and they have a massive fight on their hands but the fact they aren't 20 points ahead in the polls doesn't mean they are failing, after all, they are still ahead of the Tories and still first in the polls something the Blairites failed to do after Blair.
The reason I wrote this was because of something a Neo-Liberal journalist wrote in i news claiming Corbyn should be 20 points ahead in the polls I'm not even going to link to the propaganda Blairite crap.
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