The choice is clear its Remain and New Labour OR Corbyn you can't have both

As a "remoaner", I feel your pain I really do but the choice is now clear its Corbyn or Remain you can't have both.

The rumour on the political circuit is that "New Labour" Blairites are about pull off another leadership challenge with avid remainer Lord Andrew Adonis being the challenger and chances are he will win. 

Jeremy Corbyn has said that Labour will not support calls for a second EU referendum. The Labour leader clarified his party’s official position on Brexit, claiming it accepts Britain will leave the EU but wants to develop a strong economic relationship with Europe but at the same time Labour Peer Lord Adonis has said he will sabotage Brexit as 78% of Labour members back a second referendum a Labour poll has revealed.

Adonis is best pals with Anti Corbyn MPs like Tom Watson and Chuka Umunna 

Also, let's not forget this Corbyn dig:

He even has the backing of Anti Corbyn David Milliband:

Adonis also ran a poll on Twitter which I can't seem to find now so I'm not sure if it has been deleted but the poll was asking would you support a new remain party against Labour and tories and the yes option was something like 80%. Let me make this clear that poll was to see what the public view was before pulling off another leadership election and nothing to do with making another party.

Why we need to stop blaming Corbyn for Brexit.

Corbyn is not backing down so the choice is clear it's back Remain which is backing a New Labour Neo Liberal-Labour or back Brexit under Corbyn and a Socialist Labour. 

The choice is all down to you. I have "No Evidence" this is going to happen I just have very good sources and insiders who I trust so you are just going to have to take my word for it. 

If you are going to put remain over Corbyn you can say goodbye to a socialist Labour. 

I know who I am picking that is Corbyn. The choice is yours, Don't say I never warned you. 


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