Saudi trying to cover up their role in 9/11 Terror Attacks.

Last year, for the first time since that fateful September morning 16 years ago, families of victims of the 9/11 terror attacks used a new law to go after Saudi Arabia in lawsuits for their role in the attacks.

After evidence was revealed during the lawsuit showing the Saudi Arabian embassy in Washington may have funded a “dry run” for the hijackings carried out by two Saudi employees, Saudi Arabia went into panic mode. They are now attempting to use their pull inside the United States to have the lawsuits thrown out.

“The 9/11 victims’ families and survivors have submitted dozens of declassified FBI reports and affidavits regarding Saudi involvement in the attacks so it shouldn’t surprise anyone that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its high-priced lawyers are still trying to hide behind baseless procedural arguments,” said Terry Strada, national chair for the 9/11 Families and Survivors United for Justice Against Terrorism.

Naturally, lawyers for Saudi Arabia are denying all allegations and are demanding that the lawsuit is dismissed immediately. According to the Saudi newspaper Okaz, as cited by the Middle East Monitor, the government of Saudi Arabia has called on a US federal judge to immediately reject the lawsuit.

As the Middle East Monitor notes:

Waleed Nassar, an international disputes attorney who represents two Saudi charities that are defendants in 9/11 litigation alongside Saudi Arabia, said: “the evidence, along with much of what has been submitted, is innuendo and circumstantial.”

“The plaintiff’s burden is to show something more direct and that’s really the only hope they have to have Saudi Arabia remain in the litigation,” Nassar said.

However, thanks to the release of the 28 pages, Americans and the rest of the world now know that Saudi Arabia played a significant role in the September 11th attacks. Also, thanks to the release of 28 pages, we know that the US government was complicit in covering up Saudi Arabia’s role in the attacks.

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