Murdoch's WAR on Alternative media

During the 2017 General Election, Social media helped Corbyn and Momentum grow massively and helped end Theresa May's nonsense about landslides whilst at the same time Murdoch's and the right-wing press sales have dropped to all-time levels almost bankrupting them and now Murdoch is going to war. 

Rupert Murdoch: ‘If Facebook wants to recognize ‘trusted’ publishers then it should pay them a carriage fee similar to the model adopted by cable companies.’

The elite are losing their grip and so is the elitist media like The Sun, Express, Daily Mail and Telegraph so now they are going to war with us the alternative media with the help of FaceBook. 

BUT the elite wants more as they are losing so much money from the ever depressing and propaganda press they now want Facebook to pay them to show their elitist propaganda. 

Rupert Murdoch issued a new salvo in the row between Facebook and news publishers on Monday, calling on the social media company to pay publishers for their content.

“If Facebook wants to recognize ‘trusted’ publishers then it should pay those publishers a carriage fee similar to the model adopted by cable companies,” the News Corp chairman said in a statement. “The publishers are obviously enhancing the value and integrity of Facebook through their news and content but are not being adequately rewarded for those services.”

 Why Facebook's news feed changes are bad news for democracy

Murdoch’s statement follows a pair of policy changes from Facebook that will likely have a significant impact on publishers. On Friday, CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook would begin prioritizing news outlets based on how “trustworthy” they are, with trustworthiness scores determined by user feedback on the site. Zuckerberg also said that the number of news users sees on their news feed will be reduced by 20%.

Murdoch blamed Facebook and Google for popularizing “scurrilous news sources” through algorithms that are “inherently unreliable”, and called the solutions they have put forward thus far “inadequate”.

“I have yet to see a proposal that truly recognizes the investment in and the social value of professional journalism,” he said. 

Facebook has been struggling for more than a year to address mounting criticism of its role in the dissemination of misinformation and propaganda. With more than 2 billion users, many of whom rely on it for news and information, the site operates as the world’s largest publisher. But Facebook consistently resists being treated as such, avoiding having to make editorial judgments.

For their part, many news organizations are locked into their relationship with Facebook, which can drive enormous traffic to their sites, but captures almost all online advertising revenue for itself.

Murdoch’s media holdings include The Times, the Sun and the Wall Street Journal. Facebook did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Of course, the Mainstream Media are acting like the victims as it's in their script to be the victims this is one massive stage show the only people who will lose out is the Alternative Media. This is the end of democracy as we know it. 


Well as I mentioned above Corbyns popularity happened with the help of Social Media they now want to silence that. Ever since Corbyn's popularity and Theresa Mays dreadful Election campaign the elite have gone to war with social media. 

We are now entering the stages of fascism. The scary part is they will use Nazi Gaslighting tactics and blame the "left" for being too PC and ending free speech when in fact this has been planned for a long time. They are afraid of Corbyn and Socialism. They want to finish their Capitalism world order. 


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