Something REALLY dodgy about the boy who was being bullied story being shared by Mainstream News

Concerned with the amount of people sharing the video of #keatonjones, without doing some digging on the internet themselves. I would NEVER condone any form of violence or bullying of any child. But all is not as it appears to be at first glance. In these situations it is important to always look deeper than the surface, rather than jumping on the bandwagon.

It seems that Keaton's mother is a proud white supremacist who has been posting racist vitriol on Facebook for some time now. Including a post after Charlottesville telling people to "stop crying". Children are like sponges, they absorb their direct surroundings. Allegedly Keaton Jones called a number of his classmates 'niggers' resulting in him getting beaten up. Again I stress that this doesn't make it ok, we just need to look a bit deeper than sharing a video that your favourite celebrity told you to get behind...

Regardless Keaton is a child, the fact that this has ended in him racially abusing his classmate and him getting beat up is another example of how racism only goes to hurt us all. Please also bear in mind that his mother is currently asking celebrities to donate to a GoFundMe page which has approximately $50,000 at this moment in time. Where is this money going?

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