Ex Nurse Tory MP who could take over as NHS minister has a terrible voting record
Theresa May plans to solve NHS crisis by putting nurse dubbed 'Scary Spice' in charge and replacing Jeremy Hunt but her voting record is terrible.
She always voted against a bankers bonus tax.

Skills minister Anne Milton, 62, who worked on NHS wards for 25 years before becoming an MP in 2005, is tipped to take over from Jeremy Hunt.
Theresa May wants to put a former nurse dubbed ‘Scary Spice’ in charge of the health service.
Skills minister Anne Milton, 62, who worked on NHS wards for 25 years before becoming an MP in 2005, is tipped to take over from Jeremy Hunt.
And the PM is planning to give Home Secretary Amber Rudd Philip Hammond’s job as Chancellor.
Mrs May is keen to give women more power in Monday’s Cabinet reshuffle.
But after cocking up last year’s election, she is too weak to demote her top men without their agreement so she’s offering them promotion instead.
Anne Milton has voted against laws to promote equality and human rights including the workplace which also covering the NHS.
Junior Doctor: I don't want Hunt to thank me I want him to fund the NHS properly
Junior Doctor: I don't want Hunt to thank me I want him to fund the NHS properly
She also voted against calling on the government to ensure women and protected groups are not disproportionally impacted by tax and benefit changes and she also voted against a gender equality strategy to improve the position of women.
She also consistently voted against allowing terminally ill people to be given assistance to end their life.
NHS Privatisation is hidden in plain sight
NHS Privatisation is hidden in plain sight
She voted for reducing housing benefit for social tenets deemed to have excess bedrooms (Bedroom Tax to me and you) whilst at the same time consistently voted against raising welfare benefits at least in line with rising prices.
She always voted against paying higher benefits over longer periods for those unable to work due to illness or disability.
Always voted in favour of a reduction in spending on welfare benefits.
Always voted against spending money to create guaranteed jobs for young people who have spent a long time unemployed.
Why is anyone surprised Hunt is privatising our NHS? he literally wrote a book on it
Why is anyone surprised Hunt is privatising our NHS? he literally wrote a book on it
She always voted against a bankers bonus tax.
She always voted for regulation of trade union activity to basically stop unions having more power.
She always voted for reforming the NHS so GP's buy services on behalf of their patients (Privatisation).
Seems like she is the perfect MP for Tory privatisation of our NHS.
Seems like she is the perfect MP for Tory privatisation of our NHS.
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