Right wing papers once accused Michael Foot and others of being spies, They got sued for thousands

Sunday Times' pays Foot damages over KGB claim PigGate2 on Facebook reports: Murdock got Sued in 1995 for saying Exactly the same Lies about Micheal Foot. He won his case. Rhys Williams Media Correspondent Friday 7 July 1995 The Sunday Times was forced into a humiliating climb-down at the High Court yesterday over its allegations that Michael Foot was considered an "agent of influence" by the KGB. The 81-year-old former Labour leader had sued the paper and its proprietor Rupert Murdoch over a three-page article last February, which - under the headline "KGB: Michael Foot was our agent" - detailed how the KGB had courted Labour politicians and trade union officials during the Sixties. The story alleged Mr Foot had operated under the codename "Boot" and that the Soviet intelligence service made cash payments to the left-wing journal Tribune while he was editor. Under a settlement read out in open court, the paper offered Mr Foot ...