Investigation into Conservative group Paedophile ring

The allegation was made after the former chairman of the Conservatives' LGBT group was jailed on Friday for sharing the 'most horrendous child abuse images imaginable' . Daily Mail reports that this comes weeks after Toby Young was caught going to Nazi Eugenic Conferences where they celebrated child abuse and Anti Semitism and Theresa May KNEW. New Tory chairman Brandon Lewis was urged last night to investigate claims that the party's lesbian and gay rights group was infiltrated by a paedophile ring. Primary school teacher Matthew Sephton, 42, was convicted at Manchester Crown Court of possessing and distributing indecent child images. The court was told that Mr Sephton, also an ex-Conservative Parliamentary candidate and Trafford councillor, was a member of groups that shared child abuse images. Ben Harris-Quinney, chairman of the Tory Bow Group, said yesterday he had told Conservative chiefs three years ago of fears that its gay rights gro...