Momentum release a statement about the Electoral Commission investigation

The Electoral Commission has opened an investigation into Momentum’s spending during the 2017 general election for Labour. We want to update you on why this is happening. The Electoral Commission has opened the investigation to see if we overspent during the election. The cap in the UK for ‘regulated targeted spending’ is £39,000 for non-party organisations like Momentum. This type of spending refers to any public-facing activity that can reasonably be regarded as ‘intended to influence voters to vote for one particular political party or any of its candidates’. Essentially for us, publicly campaigning for Labour or any particular Labour candidate. For the general election campaign, Momentum spent £38,743 in regulated targeted spending. We didn’t need to spend any more than this because the campaign was mainly powered by volunteers across the country, which drastically lowered costs. For instance, My Nearest Marginal was designed and developed by volunteers, updated by volunte...