For the FEW not the MANY

Tories quietly name more than 50 donors who dined with top ministers and Theresa May after pressure from the Mirror. Guest lists have been slipped out without fanfare on the Conservative Party’s website - hours after we told how they had not been published for a year. Humiliated Tory chiefs have finally named dozens of super-rich donors who dined with Theresa May after pressure from the Mirror. That silence broke David Cameron ’s pledge to release details of the Leader’s Group, which lets donors who give £50,000 attend lavish private meals, every three months. We also revealed how the latest dinner was believed to have seen billionaires and tycoons dine on lobster and beef with the Tory leader just weeks ago. The meal came just hours after the government confirmed millions of people's benefits would be frozen for another year. The new list names 64 donors who attended a Leader’s Group meal with Theresa May or a top minister between January and June 2017. Billion...