Corbyn Spy: David Bowie was also a communist spy

This weekend, the Tory press accused Corbyn of meeting with a Czechoslovakian spy in the 1980s, but forgot to include some important information about the agent's credibility. Jeremy Corbyn "Spied for Russia in the 80s" and was paid by Czechoslovakian Intelligence to be a "communist Intelligence Asset". That's the remarkable story that was splurged across the Sun , Mail , Telegraph and Express this weekend . A story of Jeremy Corbyn as a Communist Jason Bourne – a sleeper agent lurking in Westminster – sounds odd. It sounds a lot odder when you realise this charge is based on the claims of a retired spy who also says Czechoslovakian spies helped fund and organise Live Aid, the 1985 charity concert headlined by Freddy Mercury and David Bowie, in order to encourage people to "fight the system". He also claims that Freddie Mercury and David Bowie were also communist spies. That just shows how ridiculous these claims are and how...