NHS Privatisation being hidden in plain sight in OUR hospitals
Tories are turning our hospitals into Private healthcare Hospitals right in front of our faces and nobody is on to it.

Our Hospitals are secretly being turned into Private Healthcare hospitals right in front of our eyes, Hidden in Plain sight INSIDE our NHS Hospitals, well whats left of them anyway.
The Jeremy hunt interview that will have you screaming at your screens
Yet last week it was revealed that private firms won £3.1bn worth of contracts in 2016-17 to provide NHS services and that Richard Branson’s Virgin Care scooped £1bn – the largest amount any for-profit firm has secured in a year! You may have missed the fact that at the end of November, it was reported that US Johnson and Johnson landed a £310m contract with Guys and St Thomas’ Foundation Trust to ‘help meet future demand for orthopaedic work!’ (Hips and knees etc.)

This all comes about as a website called US15.Campaign-Archive.com reported about a Hospital in Derby called the Royal Derby Hospital having private wards (See image above) hidden away from the public but in plain sight.
They also report that The Department of Health, NHS England, Kings Fund and other NHS Grandees want us to believe that the Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STP's), will be morphed into Accountable Care Systems in 29 places from April 2018, are not a route to more privatisation.
The Government wants to keep quiet about the exorbitant cost of contracts going to foreign companies and those with links to the US and tax havens.
Supporters from across Derbyshire will be attending the Derbyshire County Council Full meeting on Wednesday 7th February. Please email and say you will join us and demonstrate at County Hall, Matlock, at 1.30 to question their policy on providing healthcare in the Derbyshire Health Footprint.

The Judge has also agreed to a Capped Costs Order (if we lose what we have to pay) of £25,000. This is more than the £15,000 we had hoped for, but the fact that the judge has agreed to this shows that they consider it is in the public interest for our case to be heard.
We will be issuing full details in the New Year as we will need to raise another £12,000 to cover the £10,000 extra capped cost and some small additional costs. Keep visiting this page for more updates.
This case affects us all. The NHS must continue to provide comprehensive healthcare to everyone who needs it. But this is under threat from plans for new local NHS and Social Care organisations to operate with a contract based on fixed, pre-set budgets that cover an area’s population. These may not even be NHS organisations but will likely be management consultancies so your treatment will be reviewed and decided by business people, not clinicians.
The most important thing you will ever see about our NHS.
In early August, NHS England published a model contract for these new local NHS and social care organisations (known as Accountable Care Organisations). Working with public law firm LEIGH DAY - we now believe that this contract is unlawful under current NHS legislation.
Standards of NHS care are already under pressure, and all of us will have begun to see restricted access to a full range of high-quality health care in our local areas. The Accountable Care Organisation Contract will make this situation worse.
Only Labour will save our NHS
Since this contract does not link payment to the number of patients treated and/or the complexity of the medical treatment provided, it fails to ensure that there would be sufficient money to meet the cost of delivering NHS services to the required quality standard.
We have to challenge this.
That's why we are marching to the courts.
It's time to get this government out before it's too late.