Black people are now calling the Tories the KKK because of these 8 reasons
Worries about Racist Jacob Rees Mogg becoming PM is forcing black people to leave the Tory Party and they have even gone as far as calling them the KKK because of Moggmentum racism.
But it's not just Moggy fans/MPs who are racist its the whole party here are 8 reasons why the Tories are racist.
1. Moggmentum calling for a whites-only Britain
#MoggMentum fans saying Britain is for white people only#ToriesOut#tories #JacobReesMogg— Ste Matthew Murray🌹 (@SteMattMurray) February 5, 2018
One Moggmentum fan even went as far to say about getting black people out: Cos it's a flashback to olde England? It sounds nice? Pleasant. How it used to be
Cos it's a flashback to olde England? It sounds nice? Pleasant. How it used to be😊— 🌹💚Sal💚🌹 (@sallyvale14) February 5, 2018
2. Jacob Rees Mogg dining with Anti Black KKK members
Gregory Lauder-Frost spouted bile about justice campaigner Baroness Lawrence, who he called a “n*****”, and broadcaster Vanessa Feltz, who he dismissed as a “fat Jewish s**g”.
He also talked of deporting non-whites to their “natural homelands” as he was covertly taped by anti-racism group HOPE not hate who are making a film about the rise of the alt-right.
Mr Rees-Mogg, a Tory favourite for Prime Minister, was snapped sitting next to Lauder-Frost five years ago at a dinner of the Traditional Britain Group, of which Lauder-Frost is vice-president.
Facebook photos showed the controversial backbencher at the black-tie event, surrounded by dozens of mainly young and entirely white dinner guests.
The Tory later said he "regretted" his decision to deliver the keynote speech to a group that wants “voluntary repatriation” of black Britons such as Doreen Lawrence, mother of tragic Stephen, who was murdered by a racist gang in 1993.
Lauder-Frost told of his opposition to Baroness Lawrence’s 2013 appointment to the House of Lords when he spoke on Feltz’s BBC London radio show at the time.
He said: “It’s ridiculous. She’s made countless anti-English comments over the last 10 years. She’s no friend of the English people.”
But the views he shared with an undercover HOPE not hate researcher at a London pub last year are even more despicable. He called the Baroness a “n*****” and, showering his listener with spittle, said of Feltz: “She’s a fat Jewish s**g, she’s revolting, revolting. She lives with a negro. She’s horrible.”
On repatriation, he said: “We’re saying, ‘You’ve got three years, then go home. Go to your natural homelands…We give you time to go.’ Then we’ll swing into action.
“I think that’s the only way forward if we want to save our cultures and our nations. Because these people are having children like rabbits.”
Lauder-Frost is the former political secretary of the Monday Club, which called for the repatriation of 50,000 immigrants a year and the repeal of all race relations legislation.
3. Dianne Abbott abuse

OK, the card was allegedly sent by the BNP BUT it was in support of the Tory party by saying Don't let Labour take our white Christmas, in other words, keep the Tory party in and stop Labour from winning another election.
It won't be the first time the racist BNP members have happily supported the Tory party.
BNP voters are actually bragging about having a far-right PM which they never thought they would see in their lifetimes. They are proud of her "Anti Immigration laws and the fact she visits an anti-LGBT church".
"Its about time this country grew some balls and kicked the Ni****s out", one BNP voter said.
They also bragged and joked about left-wing activists who were murdered like Jo Cox and Heather Heyer.
One member in a vile Whatsapp conversation also ridiculed disabled people on benefits calling them "scrounging scouser c***s" but then admitted later on in the conversation that he was on JSA himself.
They also laughed and spoke about Theresa Mays "Go home Vans" by saying we need more of them parked outside the P***I bastards front door.
Also throughout 2017, General Election Dianne Abbott was abused by online Tory trolls.
Shadow home secretary suffered relentless campaign of abuse leading up to June poll, according to Amnesty International poll
Diane Abbott alone received almost half of all the abusive tweets sent to female MPs in the run-up to the general election, research by Amnesty International has revealed.
The shadow home secretary, who temporarily stood aside during the election campaign for health reasons, came under a relentless campaign of racist and sexist abuse in the weeks before the 8 June poll. The abuse directed at her amounted to 10 times as much as was received by any other MP, according to the Amnesty study.
Amnesty researchers found Abbott received45% of all abusive tweets sent to female MPs in the six weeks before election day. In the previous six months, she received just under a third of all abuse sent to the same group.
The report, authored by Amnesty technology and human rights researcher Azmina Dhrodia, looked at a sample of 900,223 tweets between 1 January and 8 June, drawn from social media analysis tool Crimson Hexagon.
However, deleted tweets or those whose accounts had been suspended could not be counted, which Dhrodia said could indicate the true scale of abuse was higher than could be accurately recorded.
Black and Asian female MPs received 35% more abusive tweets than their white colleagues, even when Abbott was excluded from the total, the research found.
Of the 140,000 tweets mentioning the shadow home secretary’s Twitter handle, @HackneyAbbott, one in 20 were classified as abusive. During the six months, the tweets were monitored, Abbott received more abuse than all female MPs from the Conservative and Scottish National parties combined.
Abbott told the study her experience as an MP had gone from receiving one racist letter a week to hundreds every day, including letters covered in swastikas and pictures of monkeys and chimpanzees. “It’s the volume of it which makes it so debilitating, so corrosive, and so upsetting. It’s the sheer volume. And the sheer level of hatred that people are showing,” she told researchers.
4. Ni***r in a woodpile
Anne Marie Morris released a statement confirming she has had the whip restored by the Conservative Party - but the decision has been branded a "disgrace".
The 60-year-old, who has been the MP for Newton Abbot since 2010, said today: “I would like to take this opportunity to apologise again for using such inappropriate and offensive language.
“It was a mistake and I regret it unreservedly.
“I have learned from this experience and have a new determination to uphold the highest possible standards in public life.
“I feel proud and privileged to be a Member of Parliament and I will continue to serve my community and my country to the best of my ability.”
It's not the first time a Tory MP has been suspended for using the N****r in a woodpile comment.
In 2008 The Telegraph reported.
David Cameron is facing calls to sack a Conservative peer who described concerns over government housing legislation as "the nigger in the woodpile" during a House of Lords debate.
The Conservative leader has admitted the remark, made by Lord Dixon-Smith and recorded in Hansard, was "not appropriate", but has so far refused to dismiss him.
As soon as he realised the mistake had been made Lord Dixon-Smith, Tory spokesman for communities and local government, said: "I apologise, my Lords. I left my brains behind. I apologise to the House." He also twice apologised to Lord Strathclyde, the Tory leader in the Lords.
The "nigger in the woodpile" phrase originated in the American deep south in the mid-19th century and was used to describe fugitive slaves who hid in piles of firewood as they fled north to Canada. It was used in 20th century Britain as a metaphor to describe a hidden fact or problem.
5. Boris Johnson
Boris Johnson once said about black people.
What a relief it must be for Blair to get out of England. It is said that the Queen has come to love the Commonwealth, partly because it supplies her with regular cheering crowds of flag-waving piccaninnies
Johnson was heavily criticised back in 2008 about a Spectator article which was published when he was editor of the publication. Ken Livingston and a black lawyer accused him of condoning racism after he allowed an article to be published which said:
Orientals ... have larger brains and higher IQ scores. Blacks are at the other pole.
On Malaysian women attending university, 2013
At the World Islamic Economic Forum Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said that 68 per cent of women were going to be attending university, to which Johnson quipped:
[Female students went to university because they] have got to find men to marry.
He also said black people have watermelon smiles.
6. Grenfell
Tory voters have been trolling Grenfell families and Labour MPs who have been supporting the Grenfell families.
One Tory voter even went too far by saying no one of importance died ie British implying they were all immigrants.

7. Enoch Powell

“Listen to me, man! I think we should vote for Enoch Powell. Enoch’s our man. I think Enoch’s right, I think we should send them all back. Stop Britain from becoming a black colony. Get the foreigners out. Get the wogs out. Get the coons out. Keep Britain white".
The British guitar legend Eric Clapton has told of the self-disgust he felt at seeing old footage of himself chanting racist slogans at a 1976 concert in the British city of Birmingham.
Clapton was speaking at a Q&A in London following the screening of the highly anticipated biographical documentary Eric Clapton: Life in 12 Bars.
The legendary 18-time Grammy winner said he felt shame about the notorious incident, wherein he praised the racist Tory MP Enoch Powell, declared that Britain must stop itself from becoming a “black colony” and said, “England is for white people, man.”
“I don’t want you here, in the room or in my country,” Clapton declared. “Listen to me, man! I think we should vote for Enoch Powell. Enoch’s our man. I think Enoch’s right, I think we should send them all back. Stop Britain from becoming a black colony. Get the foreigners out. Get the wogs out. Get the coons out. Keep Britain white. I used to be into dope, now I'm into racism. It’s much heavier, man. Fucking wogs, man. Fucking Saudis taking over London. Bastard wogs. Britain is becoming overcrowded and Enoch will stop it and send them all back. The black wogs and coons and Arabs and fucking Jamaicans and fucking…don’t belong here, we don’t want them here. This is England, this is a white country, we don’t want any black wogs and coons living here. We need to make clear to them they are not welcome. England is for white people, man. We are a white country. I don’t want fucking wogs living next to me with their standards. This is Great Britain, a white country, what is happening to us, for fuck’s sake?”
There is a worrying racist trend coming from the right and especially Tory voters and MPs.
Clapton’s bizarre outburst, which helped spur the Rock Against Racism movement, saw him labelled a racist for many years, and he has subsequently apologized many times, blaming his addiction to drink and drugs for the outburst.
The musician reveals in the film that he would drink a bottle of cognac by midday, before snorting cocaine from a knife at lunch.
The singer said last night that watching the unedited footage, which is included in Lili Zanuck’s new film out next month, left him newly “disgusted” with himself for his “chauvinistic” and “fascistic” comments on stage.
According to the Daily Mail, he added: “I sabotaged everything I got involved with.”
He said: “I was so ashamed of who I was, a kind of semi-racist, which didn’t make sense. Half of my friends were black, I dated a black woman and I championed black music.”
Clapton believes that much of his addiction can be traced to the fact that he was brought up believing his grandparents were his parents and his mother was his sister. When he discovered the truth, his mother rejected him.
The film also covers the 1991 death of his four-year-old son, Conor, who fell from the 53rd floor of a New York apartment block.
Clapton says the tragedy helped him get sober, and to exist from that point on “to honour the memory of my son.”
There is a worrying racist trend coming from the right and especially Tory voters and MPs.
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