Tory donor Richard Branson bans Daily Mail from Virgin Trains but don't be fooled
This is just part of their Anti PC war. They are playing part in being the PC brigade (as are a lot of other companies) and playing part in silencing everything and everyone so they can then fight back and blame the left ... for what the right did.

The right have been complaining for far too long about things "being too PC", in other words they want to be allowed to bully, be racist and homophobic etc because it helps with the elites and Tory divide and conquer games.
The Tory Party love a bit of divide and conquer its how they always get to power divide everyone from Heterosexuals and LGBT to immigration and far Right fascists.
Virgin Trains has stopped selling the Daily Mail on its rail services after deciding that the newspaper was “not compatible” with the company’s brand or beliefs.
Virgin Trains operates the west coast mainline, which includes trains from London to Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham and Scotland.

The Daily Mail was one of a limited collection of newspapers and magazines that the train operator sold in its on-board shop and gave away to passengers in first class.
But in an internal memo, it told staff that it would stop stocking the title, saying its employees had raised concerns “about the Mail’s editorial position on issues such as immigration, LGBT rights and unemployment”.
But there is a more sinister agenda to this the elite and Elitisit Tory party know that if you ban something like the Daily Mail from a company the company or/and company head wil be automaticaly accused of being a "leftist" which works perfect for the Tories and Tory privatisation of the NHS.
What has this got to do with the NHS I hear you ask? Well the company who has banned the Fascist Daily Mail from their trains is Virgin only they haven't banned it for the reasons they are saying they have banned the far right newspaper because they know Branson will automatically be accused of being a leftist which plays nicely for the Tories to accuse a left winger of buying out our NHS.
The only problem they have is Branson is not a left winger he literally donates millions to the Right wing Conservative party.
This comes a day after Anne Milton was meant to get the health minister job after May's so called "reshuffle" but news broke on this very website that her husband was director of wait for it .... Virgin Care.
Suddenly her appointment was dropped Hunt had to stay as Health Misinter (after begging to keep his health job, if you believe that you will believe anything) and the next day VIRGIN ban the far Right Daily Mail and the right will accuse Branson of being a Pro PC Lefty. I smell Tory PR BS.
It's all Tory PR. Thats all they have left PR.
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