I can sense there is a general election on the way
Now I have no evidence what so ever that a General Election is on the way BUT going by the media propaganda and other things that are happening at the moment its like groundhog "year" all over again because the same thing happened at exactly the same time last year.

Heres a list of reasons why I think an election is due any time now:
Blair has piped up again
Tony Blair today said Labour is in “much worse” shape now than during the Eighties under Michael Foot’s leadership.
In an interview with the Evening Standard, the former Labour leader claimed Jeremy Corbyn had allowed “extreme elements” to adopt dominant positions in the party.
“Now is worse,” he said. “Much worse, because it’s happening with the support of the leadership. They are bringing back the more extreme elements that were either outside the party or marginalised.”
Anti Semitism smears are making the news again
The usual Anti Semitism smear is doing the rounds again with LBC going as far as interviewing a Jewish Person and saying that Anti Semitism is rife in Britain today.
Now I'm not saying that Anti Semitism isn't happening, of course, it is but all sorts of hate are rife again due to Brexit and Far Right hate by Theresa May's and Tory cult.
Blairites are acting like victims again.
The Blairites love to sell a good story to right-wing papers like the Sun, Daily Mail and Telegraph complaining that Momentum is pushing them out and "taking over" using militant like words which play well with Blairs "Militant labour" propaganda.
Fake Troll accounts are grroming Corbyn voters to turn against him over Brexit
Some guy on facebook on a fake profile tried to groom me today. He was a lovely gentleman he was nice as pie explaining how Brexit would be damaging to Britain and he was hinting how Corbyn may not be the answer.
He was also explaining how Theresa May is far right (Obviously didn't believe that he was trying to groom me because that's what I always say that May is far right)
I kept explaining as a remianer that I will always put Corbyn's policies first even over Brexit leave/remain because even if we did vote against Corbyn and back remain what happens then? we go back to the days of Neo-Liberal Tories and Labour (Thatcherites) which means more cuts and no NHS.
He didn't like the fact I wasn't budging over this and then as he realised that he wasn't going to change my mind the abuse over Corbyn begun.
Theresa May and Tories are pushing Corbyn policies in their own party and even using the same slogan.
Telegraph and right-wing media calling for May to go
When you have the die-hard and Far Right Tory media telling Theresa May to go you know they know something and that's telling me its a general Election especially after how bad she did at the election.
Just watch this space ...
When you have the die-hard and Far Right Tory media telling Theresa May to go you know they know something and that's telling me its a general Election especially after how bad she did at the election.
Just watch this space ...
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