Frightening: The link between Nazis and Tories can't be ignored anymore
It's something that is being repeated time after time on social media that the Tories are just like the Nazis. Is it unfair? Some will say it is but we say the similarities are frightening.
120,000 + dead because of Tory cuts. 'economic murder'.
120,000 deaths that's 120,000 lives that could have been saved but the signs were purposely ignored and the deaths happened anyway.
The Conservatives have been accused of “economic murder” for austerity policies which a new study suggests have caused 120,000 deaths.
The paper found that there were 45,000 more deaths in the first four years of Tory-led efficiencies that would have been expected if funding had stayed at pre-election levels.
On this trajectory that could rise to nearly 200,000 excess deaths by the end of 2020, even with the extra funding that has been earmarked for public sector services this year.
Real terms funding for health and social care fell under the Conservative-led Coalition Government in 2010, and the researchers conclude this “may have produced” the substantial increase in deaths.
Who needs concentration camps when you have Tory Austerity.
Hate for disabled people.
It's a known fact the Tory party hate disabled people "they are just a strain on society and the economy".
The majority of the 120,000 who have died are disabled and mental health sufferers. The way disabled people are treated by this government is vile and wrong.
Lying in benefit medicals, people with terminal illness being pushed back to work, disability cars being taken away, media calling people on benefits scroungers and lazy when the majority people on benefits are disabled and pensioners.
Even the UN said the Tory party have broken Human Rights records because of Tory Austerity and treatment of the ill and poor.
Nazis used Gaslighting as part of their Nazi propaganda machine Tories are doing exactly the same.
Gaslighting is a form of manipulation that seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group (Momentum), hoping to make them question their own memory, perception, and sanity. Using persistent denial, misdirection, contradiction, and lying, it attempts to destabilize the target and delegitimize the target's belief.
Tories and Tory media war on Momentum, The Left and Corbyn are exactly this. Also, Tories have always been proud to be the party of the elite and banks and since Corbyn's (who is anti-elite) popularity soared the Tories have all of a sudden become anti-Elite. Funny that.
Missing Files and rewriting history
Tories Secretly plan 2 new Garden cities to relieve housing shortages in London and home counties. They planned to build them Underground in the hope nobody would notice
Research and reports on Drug abuse in the UK were instigated because the Tories had a bit too much cash that they couldn’t account for and had to spend it somewhere. When the report came back and stated that Society was all screwed up and bent out of shape by drug abuse due to Neoliberal austerity measures Tories launched an investigation that found that it was Tories that had applied austerity in the first place. Drug Report consigned to shredder
Bunch of Facebook workers leaked a story about Facebook either being used to tell stories, or ignore stories or to cover up stories that might or might not have a public interest factor on the grounds that the public wouldn’t be interested
Surrey County Council were tinkering with ways of either making some money or taking some money off the taxpayer (Either way the buggered it up) “A report” was written, and shortly after it was supposed to be used for a Budget Meeting it disappeared only to re-appear 6 weeks after the meeting was held…. too late thus. Some people got angry, a letter was sent to The Times. Everyone forgot
Somebody decided that funding Terrorism was a rather lucrative business. The Ethics committee was sent to the Caymans for a few months and deals were done. Some bloke somewhere commissioned a report, and blow me down, the report was deemed to be of a sensitive nature and had to be filed away in the folder marked “Sensitive stuff, HIDE for 50 Years” In the middle of the Hoo Hah, Germanys Intel outfit pointed the finger at some people. Everybody felt they had really investigated the shit out of the matter and went home to a nice cup of Tea
An Ex-Conservative MP (lost his seat poor chap) was given the job of being Chief of Staff to the PM, whose main responsibility seems to be similar to those of a broody hen, sitting on things until they hatch. This time it was some silly old report about how people living in Tower blocks might be at risk of dying due to poor precautions and safety measures in the event of a fire. Luckily for this particular chap there was just such a fire and indeed a lot of people did die, so he was given a timely reminder to get off the report and make it be known to everyone. It seems to have – a) Gone missing, or b), Never been done, or c) Been done and been deliberately lost.
I am still none the wiser
The Labour party and some 9/11survivors got fed up waiting to the report on Terrorist Funding to be published. Like me, they are still waiting
A report that was supposed to be suppressed managed to escape. An Ofsted report that criticised the abuse by a private company of its management of government contracts managed to get itself blamed for the potential collapse of that private company. This is what happens with reports, If you hide them people complain and when they are out in the open other people to complain
Leaving the EU is likely to cause a large rise in the price of food in the UK…. says a report. That is a bit scary for the government of the day so they had better bury the report quickly and hope that nobody notices the price of a loaf of bread hitting £5.
Hiding reports have become so commonplace that Theresa May has decided to enter into a bulk purchase arrangement, binning 9 reports all in one go, so far it’s a record. Let’s see what October brings.
Looking back on the last few months, there has been at least one story per month about the “scandalous dereliction of duty” that is the covering up of secret reports.
One a month is not a coincidence, it is orchestrated, it is in itself one big cover-up. The whole Tory party Smoke and Mirrors game is there as a distraction, just like the Donald Trump circus in the US.
The major corporations have eroded our governments and our law courts and they are a mere sniff away from fixing it so that we cannot even change things back when a more caring form of government takes control again.
Our Democracies are being stolen and shredded, and the big vested business interests of the Kochs and the Trumps of this world think they are close to the winning post.
They may well be, and if they are it will be our fault, for not kicking up a holy stink and demanding those reports get an airing…we paid for the bloody things after all.
Also, let's not forget Theresa May and Tories lost the 114 paedophile dossier files.
Also which has hardly been reported files on our NHS have suddenly disappeared.
It's almost as if they are the party of the elite and helping them cover up their crimes
Goes to war with people who vote against them.
Tories have literally gone to war with everyone who disagrees with them, Speaks out against them or votes against them.
The war on disabled, Young, working class, Students, universities and even POLICE has been noticeable since May took over as PM and it's getting worse and it's getting worse as it spreads out to our Nurses and Homeless people NOBODY is safe under this government.
Their war against universities and students is the most obvious though since the election and it's all because the young and students voted massively for Jeremy Corbyn and Labour.
Theresa May's war on Students, Universities and young people just got deeper and more dangerous. Tories have taken on a right-wing journalist to lead this war and silence the left.
The former journalist and free school advocate Toby Young is among a group of business executives who are to help head the government’s drive to apply market forces to higher education in England, as new laws come into force that will regulate universities in the same way as water or gas utilities, according to ministers.
Jo Johnson, the minister for higher education, hailed the new Office for Students (OfS) – which comes into legal existence on Monday – as the answer to concerns over students receiving value for money for their degrees while taking on increasing debt, and opening the sector up to increased competition.
Whether Toby Youngs (mentioned above) personal and political leanings are entirely right to be regulating education is open to debate. For instance, his fondness for ‘progressive eugenics.’
According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, eugenics is;
The selection of desired heritable characteristics in order to improve future generations, typically in reference to humans.
Once a popular idea, eugenics is now widely regarded as a pseudo-science. Trying to genetically improve humans like racehorses, cattle or plants by breeding out those deemed weakest has long been in disfavour. Especially after the Nazis adopted eugenicist ideas as part of their justification for breeding a master race.
Backing of the Daily Mail
I can imagine there are very few people on all sides of the political spectrum in the UK that do not support Ed Miliband in his fight against The Daily Mail’s vicious smear campaign.
Miliband took the rather unprecedented step for a politician when he decided to take on the Daily Mail directly. The hate rag, that apparently has no issue hounding vulnerable people to suicide aimed their most recent attack on the Labour leader’s late father; the revered Marxist academic Ralph Miliband. The Mail wrote:
“The man who hated Britain: Red Ed’s pledge to bring back socialism is a homage to his Marxist father. So what did Miliband Snr really believe in? The answer should disturb everyone who loves this country.”
– The entire piece surrounds a quote from Miliband Snr’s diary from the age of 17, in which he refers to Brits as ‘rabid Nationalists’. The entire piece asserting that the Labour leader’s father ‘hated Britain’ rests on that one quote. It is the mark of a paper that has no reasonable argument to make, and so just attacks, just hounds, and just aims to hurt lives. This is how the Daily Mail operates. It exists not to inform, but to injure. Not to progress debate, but to mislead and misrepresent. They do however present one aspect of the story, that they predictably quickly gloss over, but it is worth expanding on. The quote from the piece in question is:
“Ralph Miliband then served three years in the Royal Navy…”
– This is a particularly important quote, because whilst the father of Ed Miliband was fighting the Nazis by manning a destroyer during the heroic Normandy landings, the great-grandfather of the owner of the British-loving Daily Mail was back in the safety of Britain, supporting Hitler.
Lord Rothmere and Hitler
In fact, as early as 1926, the Mail was known throughout Europe as a Fascist publication. In that year, Benito Mussolini wrote to the new Chief Correspondent at the Mail, G. Ward Price:
“My dear Price, I am glad you have become a director of the Daily Mail, and I am sure that your very popular and widely circulated newspaper will continue to be a sincere friend of fascist Italy. With best wishes and greetings, Mussolini.
A few years after a delighted Mussolini congratulated the Mail’s new Chief Correspondent on his position on the Fascist supporting paper, the proprietor of The Daily Mail, Harold Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Rothermere in 1933 took that support one step further:
“I urge all British young men and women to study closely the progress of the Nazi regime in Germany. They must not be misled by the misrepresentations of its opponents. The most spiteful detractors of the Nazis are to be found in precisely the same sections of the British public and press as are most vehement in their praises of the Soviet regime in Russia. They have started a clamorous campaign of denunciation against what they call “Nazi atrocities” which, as anyone who visits Germany quickly discovers for himself, consists merely of a few isolated acts of violence such as are inevitable among a nation half as big again as ours, but which have been generalized, multiplied and exaggerated to give the impression that Nazi rule is a bloodthirsty tyranny.”
– This was in the same year the Nazis implemented the Jewish boycott, leading to state-managed harassment, beatings, and forced removals of Jews by Nazis. Less than a year later, the Nazis would engage in what is commonly referred to as the “night of the long knives”, in which political critics of the regime were brutally murdered. Lord Rothermere believed at this point that the Nazis bloodthirsty tyranny was being misrepresented.
In 1934, The Daily Mail began openly supporting the Blackshirts; The British Union of Fascists, through its leader Oswald Mosley (himself heavily influenced by Mussolini, whom he met earlier in the decade). In 1934, the Mail wrote that the British Union of Fascists were:
“…a well-organised party of the right ready to take over responsibility for national affairs with the same directness of purpose and energy method as Hitler and Mussolini have displayed”.
– This makes the “rapid nationalists” quote of Ralph Miliband seem completely uncontroversial. The Daily Mail openly supporting the methods and purpose of Hitler and Mussolini, for the sake of Fascism in Britain.
In 1934, Harold Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Rothermere, and owner of The Daily Mail flew to Germany and met with Adolf Hitler. Here is the happy couple:
– This is at a time when Daily Mail editorials were used as propaganda, by the Nazis.
In 1938, the Nazi owner of the Fascist-supporting, anti-British Daily Mail sent a telegram to Hitler to announce his support for the Nazi annexation of the Sudetenland. In it, Rothermere wrote:
“My dear Fuhrer everyone in England is profoundly moved by the bloodless solution to the Czechoslovakian problem. People not so much concerned with territorial readjustment as with dread of another war with its accompanying bloodbath. Frederick the Great was a great popular figure. I salute your excellency’s star which rises higher and higher.”
– Rothermere was fully supporting an apparent Nazi (not German) right to empire in Europe. The annexation of Sudetenland lead to its Jewish inhabitants rounded up and thrown into concentration camps, alongside any left-leaning opposition in the territories. A month after Rothermere sent his telegram of support for the “bloodless solution”, Sudetenland and the rest of the Nazi empire experienced the truly horrific night of broken glass, in which 91 Jews were murdered, Jewish homes and businesses destroyed, and 30,000 Jewish men, women and children rounded up like animals and thrown into concentration camps.
A letter from Rothermere in 1939 (six years into Nazi control of Germany, and thousands of political murders later) congratulated Hitler on his success in Prague and urged him to move on to Romania. Rothermere had befriended and was paying a Nazi spy in Britain – Stephanie von Hohenlohe – to further his contacts in Nazi Germany, and pass correspondence between himself and the regime. The brutality of the regime at this late point was obvious. Rothermere and the Mail turned a blind eye to it.
So, when you hear the Daily Mail insist that it is relevant to point to brief notes from the mid-20th Century childhood of the father of a political leader in the 21st Century as proof of his “hate” for Britain, and as an attack on his son today… we must keep in mind that during the same period of time, their paper and its owner (the great-grandfather of its current owner) were hoping British troops would fail (including the bravery of Ralph Miliband), and openly praying for a Nazi victory and dictatorial Fascism across Europe and Britain.
Also they are anti Immigration and Unions just like the Nazis.
It's time to wake up and it's time to wake up your neighbours, friends and family ESPECIALLY the ones who vote Tory.
120,000 + dead because of Tory cuts. 'economic murder'.
120,000 deaths that's 120,000 lives that could have been saved but the signs were purposely ignored and the deaths happened anyway.
The Conservatives have been accused of “economic murder” for austerity policies which a new study suggests have caused 120,000 deaths.
The paper found that there were 45,000 more deaths in the first four years of Tory-led efficiencies that would have been expected if funding had stayed at pre-election levels.
On this trajectory that could rise to nearly 200,000 excess deaths by the end of 2020, even with the extra funding that has been earmarked for public sector services this year.
Real terms funding for health and social care fell under the Conservative-led Coalition Government in 2010, and the researchers conclude this “may have produced” the substantial increase in deaths.
Who needs concentration camps when you have Tory Austerity.
Hate for disabled people.
It's a known fact the Tory party hate disabled people "they are just a strain on society and the economy".
The majority of the 120,000 who have died are disabled and mental health sufferers. The way disabled people are treated by this government is vile and wrong.
Lying in benefit medicals, people with terminal illness being pushed back to work, disability cars being taken away, media calling people on benefits scroungers and lazy when the majority people on benefits are disabled and pensioners.
Even the UN said the Tory party have broken Human Rights records because of Tory Austerity and treatment of the ill and poor.
Nazis used Gaslighting as part of their Nazi propaganda machine Tories are doing exactly the same.
Gaslighting is a form of manipulation that seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group (Momentum), hoping to make them question their own memory, perception, and sanity. Using persistent denial, misdirection, contradiction, and lying, it attempts to destabilize the target and delegitimize the target's belief.
Tories and Tory media war on Momentum, The Left and Corbyn are exactly this. Also, Tories have always been proud to be the party of the elite and banks and since Corbyn's (who is anti-elite) popularity soared the Tories have all of a sudden become anti-Elite. Funny that.
Missing Files and rewriting history
Tories Secretly plan 2 new Garden cities to relieve housing shortages in London and home counties. They planned to build them Underground in the hope nobody would notice
Research and reports on Drug abuse in the UK were instigated because the Tories had a bit too much cash that they couldn’t account for and had to spend it somewhere. When the report came back and stated that Society was all screwed up and bent out of shape by drug abuse due to Neoliberal austerity measures Tories launched an investigation that found that it was Tories that had applied austerity in the first place. Drug Report consigned to shredder
Bunch of Facebook workers leaked a story about Facebook either being used to tell stories, or ignore stories or to cover up stories that might or might not have a public interest factor on the grounds that the public wouldn’t be interested
Surrey County Council were tinkering with ways of either making some money or taking some money off the taxpayer (Either way the buggered it up) “A report” was written, and shortly after it was supposed to be used for a Budget Meeting it disappeared only to re-appear 6 weeks after the meeting was held…. too late thus. Some people got angry, a letter was sent to The Times. Everyone forgot
Somebody decided that funding Terrorism was a rather lucrative business. The Ethics committee was sent to the Caymans for a few months and deals were done. Some bloke somewhere commissioned a report, and blow me down, the report was deemed to be of a sensitive nature and had to be filed away in the folder marked “Sensitive stuff, HIDE for 50 Years” In the middle of the Hoo Hah, Germanys Intel outfit pointed the finger at some people. Everybody felt they had really investigated the shit out of the matter and went home to a nice cup of Tea
An Ex-Conservative MP (lost his seat poor chap) was given the job of being Chief of Staff to the PM, whose main responsibility seems to be similar to those of a broody hen, sitting on things until they hatch. This time it was some silly old report about how people living in Tower blocks might be at risk of dying due to poor precautions and safety measures in the event of a fire. Luckily for this particular chap there was just such a fire and indeed a lot of people did die, so he was given a timely reminder to get off the report and make it be known to everyone. It seems to have – a) Gone missing, or b), Never been done, or c) Been done and been deliberately lost.
I am still none the wiser
The Labour party and some 9/11survivors got fed up waiting to the report on Terrorist Funding to be published. Like me, they are still waiting
A report that was supposed to be suppressed managed to escape. An Ofsted report that criticised the abuse by a private company of its management of government contracts managed to get itself blamed for the potential collapse of that private company. This is what happens with reports, If you hide them people complain and when they are out in the open other people to complain
Leaving the EU is likely to cause a large rise in the price of food in the UK…. says a report. That is a bit scary for the government of the day so they had better bury the report quickly and hope that nobody notices the price of a loaf of bread hitting £5.
Hiding reports have become so commonplace that Theresa May has decided to enter into a bulk purchase arrangement, binning 9 reports all in one go, so far it’s a record. Let’s see what October brings.
Looking back on the last few months, there has been at least one story per month about the “scandalous dereliction of duty” that is the covering up of secret reports.
One a month is not a coincidence, it is orchestrated, it is in itself one big cover-up. The whole Tory party Smoke and Mirrors game is there as a distraction, just like the Donald Trump circus in the US.
The major corporations have eroded our governments and our law courts and they are a mere sniff away from fixing it so that we cannot even change things back when a more caring form of government takes control again.
Our Democracies are being stolen and shredded, and the big vested business interests of the Kochs and the Trumps of this world think they are close to the winning post.
They may well be, and if they are it will be our fault, for not kicking up a holy stink and demanding those reports get an airing…we paid for the bloody things after all.
Also, let's not forget Theresa May and Tories lost the 114 paedophile dossier files.
Also which has hardly been reported files on our NHS have suddenly disappeared.
It's almost as if they are the party of the elite and helping them cover up their crimes
Goes to war with people who vote against them.
Tories have literally gone to war with everyone who disagrees with them, Speaks out against them or votes against them.
The war on disabled, Young, working class, Students, universities and even POLICE has been noticeable since May took over as PM and it's getting worse and it's getting worse as it spreads out to our Nurses and Homeless people NOBODY is safe under this government.
Their war against universities and students is the most obvious though since the election and it's all because the young and students voted massively for Jeremy Corbyn and Labour.
Theresa May's war on Students, Universities and young people just got deeper and more dangerous. Tories have taken on a right-wing journalist to lead this war and silence the left.
The former journalist and free school advocate Toby Young is among a group of business executives who are to help head the government’s drive to apply market forces to higher education in England, as new laws come into force that will regulate universities in the same way as water or gas utilities, according to ministers.
Jo Johnson, the minister for higher education, hailed the new Office for Students (OfS) – which comes into legal existence on Monday – as the answer to concerns over students receiving value for money for their degrees while taking on increasing debt, and opening the sector up to increased competition.
Whether Toby Youngs (mentioned above) personal and political leanings are entirely right to be regulating education is open to debate. For instance, his fondness for ‘progressive eugenics.’
According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, eugenics is;
The selection of desired heritable characteristics in order to improve future generations, typically in reference to humans.
Once a popular idea, eugenics is now widely regarded as a pseudo-science. Trying to genetically improve humans like racehorses, cattle or plants by breeding out those deemed weakest has long been in disfavour. Especially after the Nazis adopted eugenicist ideas as part of their justification for breeding a master race.
Backing of the Daily Mail
I can imagine there are very few people on all sides of the political spectrum in the UK that do not support Ed Miliband in his fight against The Daily Mail’s vicious smear campaign.
Miliband took the rather unprecedented step for a politician when he decided to take on the Daily Mail directly. The hate rag, that apparently has no issue hounding vulnerable people to suicide aimed their most recent attack on the Labour leader’s late father; the revered Marxist academic Ralph Miliband. The Mail wrote:
![]() |
Daily Mail print supporting Nazis in ww2 |
– The entire piece surrounds a quote from Miliband Snr’s diary from the age of 17, in which he refers to Brits as ‘rabid Nationalists’. The entire piece asserting that the Labour leader’s father ‘hated Britain’ rests on that one quote. It is the mark of a paper that has no reasonable argument to make, and so just attacks, just hounds, and just aims to hurt lives. This is how the Daily Mail operates. It exists not to inform, but to injure. Not to progress debate, but to mislead and misrepresent. They do however present one aspect of the story, that they predictably quickly gloss over, but it is worth expanding on. The quote from the piece in question is:
“Ralph Miliband then served three years in the Royal Navy…”
– This is a particularly important quote, because whilst the father of Ed Miliband was fighting the Nazis by manning a destroyer during the heroic Normandy landings, the great-grandfather of the owner of the British-loving Daily Mail was back in the safety of Britain, supporting Hitler.
Lord Rothmere and Hitler
In fact, as early as 1926, the Mail was known throughout Europe as a Fascist publication. In that year, Benito Mussolini wrote to the new Chief Correspondent at the Mail, G. Ward Price:
“My dear Price, I am glad you have become a director of the Daily Mail, and I am sure that your very popular and widely circulated newspaper will continue to be a sincere friend of fascist Italy. With best wishes and greetings, Mussolini.
A few years after a delighted Mussolini congratulated the Mail’s new Chief Correspondent on his position on the Fascist supporting paper, the proprietor of The Daily Mail, Harold Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Rothermere in 1933 took that support one step further:
“I urge all British young men and women to study closely the progress of the Nazi regime in Germany. They must not be misled by the misrepresentations of its opponents. The most spiteful detractors of the Nazis are to be found in precisely the same sections of the British public and press as are most vehement in their praises of the Soviet regime in Russia. They have started a clamorous campaign of denunciation against what they call “Nazi atrocities” which, as anyone who visits Germany quickly discovers for himself, consists merely of a few isolated acts of violence such as are inevitable among a nation half as big again as ours, but which have been generalized, multiplied and exaggerated to give the impression that Nazi rule is a bloodthirsty tyranny.”
– This was in the same year the Nazis implemented the Jewish boycott, leading to state-managed harassment, beatings, and forced removals of Jews by Nazis. Less than a year later, the Nazis would engage in what is commonly referred to as the “night of the long knives”, in which political critics of the regime were brutally murdered. Lord Rothermere believed at this point that the Nazis bloodthirsty tyranny was being misrepresented.
In 1934, The Daily Mail began openly supporting the Blackshirts; The British Union of Fascists, through its leader Oswald Mosley (himself heavily influenced by Mussolini, whom he met earlier in the decade). In 1934, the Mail wrote that the British Union of Fascists were:
“…a well-organised party of the right ready to take over responsibility for national affairs with the same directness of purpose and energy method as Hitler and Mussolini have displayed”.
– This makes the “rapid nationalists” quote of Ralph Miliband seem completely uncontroversial. The Daily Mail openly supporting the methods and purpose of Hitler and Mussolini, for the sake of Fascism in Britain.
In 1934, Harold Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Rothermere, and owner of The Daily Mail flew to Germany and met with Adolf Hitler. Here is the happy couple:
– This is at a time when Daily Mail editorials were used as propaganda, by the Nazis.
In 1938, the Nazi owner of the Fascist-supporting, anti-British Daily Mail sent a telegram to Hitler to announce his support for the Nazi annexation of the Sudetenland. In it, Rothermere wrote:
“My dear Fuhrer everyone in England is profoundly moved by the bloodless solution to the Czechoslovakian problem. People not so much concerned with territorial readjustment as with dread of another war with its accompanying bloodbath. Frederick the Great was a great popular figure. I salute your excellency’s star which rises higher and higher.”
– Rothermere was fully supporting an apparent Nazi (not German) right to empire in Europe. The annexation of Sudetenland lead to its Jewish inhabitants rounded up and thrown into concentration camps, alongside any left-leaning opposition in the territories. A month after Rothermere sent his telegram of support for the “bloodless solution”, Sudetenland and the rest of the Nazi empire experienced the truly horrific night of broken glass, in which 91 Jews were murdered, Jewish homes and businesses destroyed, and 30,000 Jewish men, women and children rounded up like animals and thrown into concentration camps.
A letter from Rothermere in 1939 (six years into Nazi control of Germany, and thousands of political murders later) congratulated Hitler on his success in Prague and urged him to move on to Romania. Rothermere had befriended and was paying a Nazi spy in Britain – Stephanie von Hohenlohe – to further his contacts in Nazi Germany, and pass correspondence between himself and the regime. The brutality of the regime at this late point was obvious. Rothermere and the Mail turned a blind eye to it.
So, when you hear the Daily Mail insist that it is relevant to point to brief notes from the mid-20th Century childhood of the father of a political leader in the 21st Century as proof of his “hate” for Britain, and as an attack on his son today… we must keep in mind that during the same period of time, their paper and its owner (the great-grandfather of its current owner) were hoping British troops would fail (including the bravery of Ralph Miliband), and openly praying for a Nazi victory and dictatorial Fascism across Europe and Britain.
Also they are anti Immigration and Unions just like the Nazis.
It's time to wake up and it's time to wake up your neighbours, friends and family ESPECIALLY the ones who vote Tory.