BBC News: No Corbyn Peace Prize report but Dog Poo gets a report
Just woke up turned on BBC Breakfast and the first thing I see them reporting is about dog poo yet still NOTHING on their website about Corbyn winning his SECOND Peace Award.
Last Year Jeremy Corbyn received a landmark award from the International Peace Bureau, the Campaign for World Democracy and the city of Geneva. It was Corbyn’s second major international award for peace (he received a Gandhi Foundation International Peace Award in 2013). He received it jointly with the world-renowned philosopher, author and political activist Noam Chomsky.
The BBC, in common with almost all the ‘MSM’, did not mention it.
At all.
The SKWAWKBOX’s was the first to publicise the news – and our article on the award went viral, such as the obvious public interest and the public’s appetite for the information.
However, the UK’s state broadcaster remains resolutely silent on the issue. In most cases of items that the BBC opts not to cover on its news channel, the corporation opts for a small mention on its news website. But apparently not in this case.
Toby Young the eugenicist
A search of the BBC News website for ‘Corbyn Peace Prize’ (or ‘award’) and similar variations returns the following result:
Interestingly, those results also show that the BBC never reported on Corbyn’s 2013 Gandhi award either. Of course, in 2013 Corbyn was a little-known Labour backbencher so it’s perhaps understandable that it wasn’t considered a news item.
But the leader of the UK’s official opposition and holder of an 8-point voting intention poll lead over the government receiving an international peace award alongside one of the world’s foremost philosophers and authors? Hard to argue that’s not worth at least a mention in some corner of the BBC News website.
But BBC today reported methane from dog poo can light up street lights. Obviously dog poo is more newsworthy than the leader of the opposition getting his second peace award. Suppose they would rather people believe the right wing propaganda that Corbyn is a terrorist sympathiser. Good job the majority of people know different.

Last Year Jeremy Corbyn received a landmark award from the International Peace Bureau, the Campaign for World Democracy and the city of Geneva. It was Corbyn’s second major international award for peace (he received a Gandhi Foundation International Peace Award in 2013). He received it jointly with the world-renowned philosopher, author and political activist Noam Chomsky.
The BBC, in common with almost all the ‘MSM’, did not mention it.
At all.
The SKWAWKBOX’s was the first to publicise the news – and our article on the award went viral, such as the obvious public interest and the public’s appetite for the information.
However, the UK’s state broadcaster remains resolutely silent on the issue. In most cases of items that the BBC opts not to cover on its news channel, the corporation opts for a small mention on its news website. But apparently not in this case.
Toby Young the eugenicist
A search of the BBC News website for ‘Corbyn Peace Prize’ (or ‘award’) and similar variations returns the following result:

But the leader of the UK’s official opposition and holder of an 8-point voting intention poll lead over the government receiving an international peace award alongside one of the world’s foremost philosophers and authors? Hard to argue that’s not worth at least a mention in some corner of the BBC News website.
But BBC today reported methane from dog poo can light up street lights. Obviously dog poo is more newsworthy than the leader of the opposition getting his second peace award. Suppose they would rather people believe the right wing propaganda that Corbyn is a terrorist sympathiser. Good job the majority of people know different.