The big Corbyn Brexit shambles
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn risks losing votes unless he fights Brexit, a poll suggests. Earlier this week Mr Corbyn said he was “not advocating” a second Brexit referendum.
The exclusive online survey of Labour supporters shows 59 percent might change the way they vote over the decision to leave the EU.
Of that total, 38 percent are completely or mainly against Brexit, while 21 percent wants out.
The YouGov survey of 1,075 voters was for the Sunday Mirror and the pro-EU Best for Britain campaign.
Best for Britain CEO Eloise Todd said: “Unless Labour changes its line to wholeheartedly oppose the Government’s Brexit, then the votes lent to Labour are likely to fall away at the next election.”
She added: “People nationwide voted with Brexit on their minds in June and most of those motivated to change their vote was rejecting the Government’s extreme Brexit.
“It’s vital our main political parties understand this, especially Labour, which many voters put their hopes in as the resistance to Brexit.
“Although there was a huge surge for Mr Corbyn in the election, the votes that got Labour over the line in many seats – including marginal seats in the North – were from those who wanted to ditch Brexit.
“The truth is the map of ‘leave’ and ‘remain’ needs to be redrawn.
“The referendum result is outdated, we are on the cusp of 2018 and the opinion polls show a consistent rejection of the Government’s Brexit.
“It’s time for Labour to provide a real alternative, keep all options on the table for the country and to commit to following the will of the people, including the right to stay in the EU if that’s what people want.”
Earlier this week Mr Corbyn said he was “not advocating” a second Brexit referendum.
He also denied Labour’s Brexit stance was confusing.
He said it involves accepting that Britain is formally leaving the EU while wanting to develop a good economic relationship with Europe.
The thing Corbyn needs to be careful about is this could trigger an excuse for the Blairites to pull another leadership election off.
We have to stop blaming him for Brexit though at the same time.
Whether we like it or not Brexit is happening and Corbyn is just respecting democracy.
Blaming Corbyn for Brexit is just playing right into the hands of the Mainstream Media, Elite, Tories and Right Wingers (including Blairites).
Put it this way Corbyn knows May doesn't want Brexit to happen just like the elite doesn't want it to happen in fact the majority of Tory MPS don't want Brexit to happen. The only Tory MPS who want Brexit are the Tax evading far-right anti-immigration Tory MP's.
Corbyn is playing a waiting game it's obvious what he is doing if he decides to do a U-Turn on Brexit now not only will the media have a field day but the Tories win they get to blame Brexit downfall on Corbyn when its what they wanted all along.
Tories would cancel Brexit tomorrow if they had could get away with it but they know they have the brainwashed anti-immigration EDL, Britain First type voters backing them so they can't and Corbyn knows this he knows if they themselves do a U-turn on Brexit now the only Leader respecting the vote would be Jeremy Corbyn and that will win him more votes and win him a general election.
Look at the Lib Dems they did terrible at the General Election and are still doing terrible in the polls and they are the official anti-Brexit party so why aren't they doing better?
If Corbyn did a U-Turn on Brexit now it would kill him and kill Labour he may as well just quit the leadership instead of doing a U-turn on Brexit because that would be his downfall.
have you noticed the only people who want him to do a U-turn are the Blairites and MSM because they know it will end him?
Just be careful what you wish for.

The exclusive online survey of Labour supporters shows 59 percent might change the way they vote over the decision to leave the EU.
Of that total, 38 percent are completely or mainly against Brexit, while 21 percent wants out.
The YouGov survey of 1,075 voters was for the Sunday Mirror and the pro-EU Best for Britain campaign.
Best for Britain CEO Eloise Todd said: “Unless Labour changes its line to wholeheartedly oppose the Government’s Brexit, then the votes lent to Labour are likely to fall away at the next election.”
She added: “People nationwide voted with Brexit on their minds in June and most of those motivated to change their vote was rejecting the Government’s extreme Brexit.
“It’s vital our main political parties understand this, especially Labour, which many voters put their hopes in as the resistance to Brexit.
“Although there was a huge surge for Mr Corbyn in the election, the votes that got Labour over the line in many seats – including marginal seats in the North – were from those who wanted to ditch Brexit.
“The truth is the map of ‘leave’ and ‘remain’ needs to be redrawn.
“The referendum result is outdated, we are on the cusp of 2018 and the opinion polls show a consistent rejection of the Government’s Brexit.
“It’s time for Labour to provide a real alternative, keep all options on the table for the country and to commit to following the will of the people, including the right to stay in the EU if that’s what people want.”
Earlier this week Mr Corbyn said he was “not advocating” a second Brexit referendum.
He also denied Labour’s Brexit stance was confusing.
He said it involves accepting that Britain is formally leaving the EU while wanting to develop a good economic relationship with Europe.
The thing Corbyn needs to be careful about is this could trigger an excuse for the Blairites to pull another leadership election off.
We have to stop blaming him for Brexit though at the same time.
Whether we like it or not Brexit is happening and Corbyn is just respecting democracy.
Blaming Corbyn for Brexit is just playing right into the hands of the Mainstream Media, Elite, Tories and Right Wingers (including Blairites).
Put it this way Corbyn knows May doesn't want Brexit to happen just like the elite doesn't want it to happen in fact the majority of Tory MPS don't want Brexit to happen. The only Tory MPS who want Brexit are the Tax evading far-right anti-immigration Tory MP's.
Corbyn is playing a waiting game it's obvious what he is doing if he decides to do a U-Turn on Brexit now not only will the media have a field day but the Tories win they get to blame Brexit downfall on Corbyn when its what they wanted all along.
Tories would cancel Brexit tomorrow if they had could get away with it but they know they have the brainwashed anti-immigration EDL, Britain First type voters backing them so they can't and Corbyn knows this he knows if they themselves do a U-turn on Brexit now the only Leader respecting the vote would be Jeremy Corbyn and that will win him more votes and win him a general election.
Look at the Lib Dems they did terrible at the General Election and are still doing terrible in the polls and they are the official anti-Brexit party so why aren't they doing better?
If Corbyn did a U-Turn on Brexit now it would kill him and kill Labour he may as well just quit the leadership instead of doing a U-turn on Brexit because that would be his downfall.
have you noticed the only people who want him to do a U-turn are the Blairites and MSM because they know it will end him?
Just be careful what you wish for.